Dezember 20

The Five Energy Bodies in Yoga / The Five Koshas


In Ayurveda, the concept of the koshas refers to the different layers or sheaths of the self. The koshas are described as being like the layers of an onion, with each layer representing a different aspect of the self. There are five koshas, and they are as follows:

  1. Annamaya Kosha: This is the physical body or the „food sheath,“ which is made up of the tissues and organs of the body.
  2. Pranamaya Kosha: This is the energy body or the „breath sheath,“ which is made up of the prana or vital energy of the body.
  3. Manomaya Kosha: This is the mental body or the „mind sheath,“ which is made up of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the mind.
  4. Vijnanamaya Kosha: This is the intellectual body or the „wisdom sheath,“ which is made up of the higher intelligence and understanding of the self.
  5. Anandamaya Kosha: This is the bliss body or the „bliss sheath,“ which is made up of the pure consciousness and joy of the self.

According to Ayurveda, the koshas are interconnected and influence each other, and maintaining balance and harmony within the koshas is essential for overall health and well-being.


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